Welcome to the Strafford Climate Action Blog!

Despite the pandemic and all of its repercussions, Strafford Climate Action has been meeting by Zoom to continue work on climate change. The fact is that climate change is still happening and its detrimental effects on all of us and our world will make the effects of the pandemic pale in comparison. So we need action NOW! 

Since this group started at the end of last summer, we have accomplished a lot! Besides having signs to raise awareness in front of Barrett Hall every Friday morning all fall, we also created and promoted the Strafford Climate Emergency Resolution which was overwhelmingly adopted at Town Meeting in March 2020. We followed that up by drafting a letter that the Select Board has recently sent to Governor Scott letting him know that our town wants action on climate legislation. We also organized several events, including a workshop on calculating your carbon footprint, and a Climate Legislative Forum in January.

Most recently we articulated our vision:  “Strafford Climate Action envisions a world that is socially just and ecologically sustainable.”

Now we have other projects in the works! We are reaching out to young people, who have the most at stake regarding climate change, and who have set up a blog site for this group, we are developing on-going letter-writing campaigns to our local, state, and national officials to keep them focused on climate legislation. We are starting to coordinate with the Strafford Energy and Climate Committee. And we are developing an informational webinar on the impact of climate change on human health.

Want to get involved? We would love to have ideas and energy from more people! Just contact Susan Hodges, “moderator” sshodges13@gmail.com


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